

Our marathon runners Joe, Jessie and Peter

We’ll be running the Bath Half Marathon in Spring!

We’re very excited to announce that we’ve got a team of seven runners who will be running the Bath Half Marathon for Share and Repair in March!

Our presence in the race will help raise awareness of the need of sharing and repairing in our community, and how we are here to help fill this gap in Bath and the surrounding areas! And it is a brilliant opportunity for us to celebrate the dedication our volunteers, staff and supporters make to our charity.

We thought we’d give you a bit more information about some of the people who are taking on this challenge, so you can follow along as they prepare for the race over the next few months!


Joe volunteers regularly in our Shop on George St.

Joe, a volunteer at Share and Repair with his cycling friends. He will be running the Bath Half Marathon.

“I’m a young graduate of 23 years, recently having moved from York, living in Bath with my partner and I volunteer at the share and repair shop on George Street. When I was offered the chance to run for Share and Repair, I felt it was a good opportunity to run the Bath Half Marathon, a goal of mine anyway, while doing something meaningful for the community and a concept I believe in.

The idea of share and repair is something I think should be normalised and a high street staple across the country to meet the demands and convenience consumers desire whilst providing a community hub and sustainable alternative to the consumerist habits that are so entrenched in our social status quo we seldom even consider a different possibility.”

If you’d like to donate to Joe’s individual fundraising page, you can find it here.


Our Volunteer Coordinator has taken on the challenge!

Jessie, our Volunteer Coordinator at Share and Repair with her friends at a Marathon
Jessie (on the right) is our Volunteer Coordinator at Share and Repair in Bath

“Hi I’m Jessie and I’m the Volunteer Coordinator for Share and Repair. When I heard that this year we would be entering a running team for the Bath Half Marathon I jumped at the chance to be involved and run alongside some of our wonderful volunteers and supporters. I have completed the Bath Half twice before with my two best running pals, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to raise some money and awareness for Share and Repair.

Although I have experience of running before, my training schedule is always scatty to say the least! What with navigating 3 children, winter coughs and colds and a fair amount of laziness I’m often not the best prepared… As I sit and write this the day after completing the Cardiff Half Marathon I’m paying for my rather chaotic race preparation – my legs are killing me and from about mile 8 I had a very annoying pain in my knee! Must do better!! I hope to be in better condition in March, but however you get around the course it always feels like a great achievement and it will be great to be part of the Share and Repair team.”

If you’d like to donate to Jessie’s individual fundraising page, you can find it here.


“This is going to be true challenge for me – the wrong side of 50 and I haven’t run a half marathon in 6 years! That would be challenge enough for most people, but I have an ongoing condition CFS/ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) which makes me very ill if I do more than a small amount of exercise, and can take me months to recover if I get it wrong… But I’ve already started my Bath Half training! Yay! 🙂

Yesterday I walked/ran an off road 10k race the ‘Mother Tuckers 10k’ – it was pretty muddy and wet 🙂 I took it easy and deliberately made myself the very last starter, finishing in 1hr 11min.”

Peter will be running the bath half marathon for Bath Share and Repair
Peter (on the left) is a repairer at High Littleton Repair Cafe

If you’d like to donate to Peter’s individual fundraising page, you can find it here.


Chris has experience running triathlons, and has climbed mount Kilimanjaro and Toubkal in Morocco, so we are sure he will also find the Bath Half a breeze! He said “My running training schedule is pretty good but my legs are ach!”

We have seven people running the Bath Half Marathon for us, and we are so honoured and proud. Whilst not all of them are on this page, please cheer on and support any of our runners throughout their training and running of the marathon! It’s an amazing challenge that they are all taking on for us.

Keep an eye on our socials to find out more about some members of our running team as they train over the next few months, if you’d like to donate to our runners follow this link to our fundraising page. There are also individual links to some of our runners, and it would give them a big boost to see some support!

Any donations given will enable Share and Repair to continue and extend our mission of sharing through the Library of Things, and repairing through the George Street shop and 10 community repair cafes!

Thank you and good luck to our runners!

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