Welcome to

Share and Repair

Helping local people save money and the planet through Reduce, Repair and Reuse



If you have something that needs repairing there's plenty of ways we can help

Library of Things

Join the Library Save money and the planet.

How To Workshops

Book a workshop here


Helping low income families by donating small electrical appliances.

Share and repair rice cooker


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Do you have a working kettle or toaster that you no longer use, but aren't sure what to do with it?

You can donate it to our HomeKit Project!

Our Homekit Project takes donations of small essential electrical items and partners with other local charities, to re-home them with those in need.

We really appreciate donations, and accept many small electronics - think heaters, table lamps, slow cookers, and more. Check out the wish list on our website for the full list of items we accept.

Donations should be good-quality, clean and in working order. You can drop items into the shop or request donations to be collected by our electric cargo bike for a fee of £2.

For more information and to see our wish list, follow the link in our bio.

#homekit #charity #collaboration #bathuk @julianhouseuk #homekitproject
There are still places available for our HOW TO Use Power and Hand Tools workshop next Saturday!

Running in our shop on George street from 2-4pm on Saturday 22nd February, don't miss out on this essential beginner workshop.

You will learn:
✨ Which tool is the best one to use for the job
✨ How to set up for different materials
✨ Using, for example drilling a hole for putting up a shelf
✨ Safe use and issues to look out for

You will get hands on experience and tools will be provided, please note that this is not for the experienced or professionals and is not certified training. Under 18s are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

We are asking for a suggested donation of £10 for tickets, but please donate at a level you can afford.

Get yourself a ticket on our website if you would like to learn these valuable skills!
This Week's Repair Cafes!

Today we'll be in @thesubath  at the University of Bath from 11am-3pm, all @uniofbath  students please drop in with your broken items!

This Saturday we're running Repair Cafes at:
✨ New Oriel Hall, Larkhall, BA1 6RA, from 10 - 1pm
✨ Wallington Hall, Bradford on Avon, from 10am - 12:30pm
✨ Bear Flat Community Hall, Bruton Avenue, BA2 4QJ, from 9.30 - 12.30pm
✨ Saltford Hall, Wedmore Road, Saltford, BS31 3BY, from 11 - 1pm

Drop in anytime up until 30 minutes before the end of session to make sure there is time to work on your repair, no need to book!

#repaircafe #saturday @thesubath @neworielhall @explore_bradfordonavon @climatefriendlyboa @bfa_insta @bearflat_community_market
Did you know that we deliver by cargo bike?

If you borrow something from our Library of Things, we can deliver it to your door for a small fee!

It's £4 for us to drop off and collect your loan, and you must live within a 3 mile radius of our shop on George street.

The perfect way to save you time and fuel, and a trip into town! 

#cargobike #quaxing #borrowdontbuy #libraryofthings
Come to a Repair Cafe at @thesubath this Thursday! 

All @uniofbath students are welcome, bring your broken items for our skilled volunteers to repair.

✨ 11am-3pm
✨ Thursday 13th February 
✨ SU Foyer, University of Bath

Please bring any buttons or zips with you ready, and you can also learn how to repair your broken items for yourself!

@vteambath #repaircafe #sustainable #uniofbath
Did you know that we do sewing repairs?

Dick had bought this fleece over 30 years ago at the Earth Centre outside Doncaster, and said that it was the first time he had ever seen plastic being reused at the time.

"My wife to be and I were driving back from a camping trip in Scotland and I was keen to see this place being created called the Earth Centre. I found the fleece in the shop and to my surprise and delight it said it had been made out of recycled plastic bottles. This was the first time I was aware of any plastic being reused, particularly to make into a fabric."

Unfortunately the zip recently broke, and our sewing repairer Catherine worked hard to replace it! She said that whilst the fleece is very soft, it is made from a very tough fabric and several machine needles were broken whilst trying to sew through it. 

The fleece is well loved and has been worn by all of Dick's family on camping trips over the years - now that it has been repaired it can be worn and loved for many years more!

#repair #sewing #bathuk #recycled
Are you looking for an exciting new volunteering role? 

We need a volunteer to come and help us out in the shop for two Saturdays a month from 10am - 1pm, meeting and greeting anyone and everyone who walks through our door. 

It's a rewarding and social role, where you will see all sorts of things that need to be repaired, sort out loans from our Library of Things, and help with enquiries. You need to be able to use a computer, and otherwise just be happy to help customers as part of a brilliant team!

If you're interested, please send an email to Jessie@shareandrepair.org.uk, or register your interest on our website 'Get Involved' Page through the link in our bio.

Send this to someone who you think would love this volunteering opportunity!

#volunteer #volunteeringopportunity @banes3sg

Looking for us on social media accounts?

Our name has recently changed from @sharerepairbath to @shareandrepair! Follow the links at the top or bottom of our website to head directly to our pages.

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